Refund policy

Online Refund & Returns

Satisfaction Guarantee 

For any feedback or refund requests for online deliveries, please contact us via email at: , or give us a call on (02) 93876 3181 (ext. 1).

We will refund the full amount for any products that have not met our promise, so please don’t hesitate to contact us. The only thing we request is that our customers advise us within 14 days of receiving delivery,. All refunds will be credited back to the account the customer made payment with and will appear in 2-3 business days of the items being returned and Harris Farm will cover the cost of delivery . Please have your order number ready when corresponding.

If you wish to receive a full refund or your order, Harris Farm will refund the total amount including the delivery fee.

In-store Refund & Returns

If you have any feedback regarding in-store purchases, please contact the store manager. All decisions involving refunds are made at their discretion, otherwise please send us an email at:, or give us a call on (02) 93876 3181 (ext. 1)

Please note that refunds can only be processed back on the same card or mode of payment used for an online order. If not applicable, an online credit in the form of an e-gift card can be issued.

